
    • Transforming Ties: A Guide and Journal for Breaking Free from Self-Sabotage in Relationships

      Transforming Ties: A Guide and Journal for Breaking Free from Self-Sabotage in Relationships

      Embark on a transformative journey with 'Transforming Ties,' a comprehensive guide and journal designed to help you break free from self-sabotaging patterns and cultivate healthier, more fulfilling relationships. This unique eBook seamlessly blends expert guidance with interactive journaling exercises, providing you with a powerful toolkit for self-discovery and positive change. Inside, you'll find insightful journal prompts that delve into the roots of self-sabotage, helping you understand the subconscious beliefs that may be hindering your relationships. The guide empowers you to reprogram these beliefs, fostering a mindset conducive to love, trust, and genuine connection. The accompanying journal sections offer a personal space for reflection and action. Thought-provoking prompts guide you through self-exploration, encouraging you to confront and challenge limiting beliefs. As you document your insights and progress, 'Transforming Ties' becomes not just a guide but a personalized roadmap for your journey toward healthier relationships. Key Features: * Learn effective strategies to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors. * Explore practical exercises to shift your subconscious beliefs and create a positive foundation for lasting connections. * Interactive journaling: Engage in thought-provoking prompts, self-reflection exercises, and action plans to deepen your understanding and track your personal growth.

    $11.11 USD $8.88 USD
    Transforming Ties: A Guide and Journal for Breaking Free from Self-Sabotage in Relationships
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